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Elastocaloric cooling of a Ti-rich TiNi shape memory ribbon
Elastocaloric effect of a TiNi shape memory wire deformed at a rate of 1 Hz.
Elastocaloric effect of TiNi shape memory wire under tensile loading
Thermoelastic cooling machine jumping problem
Elastocaloric effect of CuAlMn12 shape memory alloy
Comparison of the elastocaloric effect in Ni-Mn-Ga alloys
Elastocaloric regenerator in operation
Elastocaloric cooling system opens door to climate-friendly AC
Elastocaloric heat pump with specific cooling power of 20.9 W/g
Matthias Ikeda - Nematic quantum criticality studied through elastocaloric effect
Stabilized elastocaloric wire
Review of Solid-State Cooling by Elastocaloric Polymer with Uniform Chain Lengths